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2018 Practitioner & Ministerial Training Retreat
February 15th-18th
This year we're doing a STAYCATION in Los Angeles!
We have a beautiful home in Silverlake reserved for us - click here to take a virtual tour of the space. This way, local practitioners can come to the all-day training and go home to sleep in your own bed. There's plenty of space for out-of- town practitioners to sleep. Additional beds can be used by a few local practitioners/ministers who would like to stay at the location (limited space). To request an open bed, email Lisa,
Our day starts at 9am & concludes at 9pm. All meals & snacks will be provided.
We will have vegetarian & gluten-free options.
With the Practitioner 4 BINGO fundraiser profits ($1500.00 - woohoo!!) the cost of the retreat is $175.00 per person. Per usual, out-of-town practitioners are not obligated to pay the cost of the retreat, as you will be buying a plane ticket. We ask that the balance be paid in-full by February 9th.
*Anyone is welcome to offer a "scholarship" & make an additional contribution.
We will disburse the funds as needed.
Please select the payment option below that works for you.
I look forward to spending this time with you. Much Love, Rev Jesse
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